The whole con­tent of the web­page by Jan Vanmedegael in­clud­ing all sub­di­rec­to­ries and pop-ups is pro­tected by copy­right.

This also ap­plies to ideas, cre­ations and specif­i­cally to all con­tent in the form of text, graphic de­signs and pic­tures. Us­ing one part or a whole page on your own web­site, in­clud­ing non-com­mer­cial, pri­vate home­pages is pro­hib­ited! Ex­cep­tions need to be con­firmed in writ­ten form.

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Links or ref­er­ences to af­fil­i­ate web­sites on our web­site does not au­to­mat­i­cally mean that cherepix gives con­sent to use their con­tent. Cherepix does not take any re­spon­si­bil­ity for avail­abil­ity or con­tent of such web­sites and dis­claims all li­a­bil­ity for any dam­age or in­jury re­sult­ing from us­ing such con­tent. Us­ing links on web­sites of third par­ties is at the user’s own risk.